
It was great to take a night off and relax with Shaina and Tulsi tonight. I feel like I’m winding up my rubber band of motivation more and more every minute I spend time with them. It’s hard not to keep thinking about it, but I think some subconscious slow thinking will probably do us all good.

I’m very excited to start posting more regular updates on our house design. Especially how certain design decisions were made, and all of the reasoning behind them. Good pictures of each step will be great to have. If anyone is going to be building houses with the CEB Press in the future, it would be nice if they didn’t have to figure out all of the same things that we did.

Perhaps a better format for all of this would be a wiki, rather than a blog or a blog that I edit like a wiki perhaps …

Adding pictures to the site should be easy. Its not quite there yet, though I guess it kinda is …