First Look at the Foundation

I just went out to see the newly poured foundation, which was great. Shaina was worried that it wasn’t the right size, and there was some confusion earlier due to Tip’s drawing. It indicated that the foundation should be 23’ 6” long instead of 27’ long. 23’ 6” is the correct interior length, but it was marked on the drawing as the exterior length. I measured the finished foundation and everything was the right size. The only reason we caught this was because my dad and I had staked out the corners of the foundation earlier using the correct dimensions, and the guys pouring the foundation noticed and asked about the discrepancy. I did find out that the sewer pipe was placed inside the west wall instead of the east wall. Not good. Its sticking up right where the door is supposed to go … not sure what to do about it yet, waiting to hear back from Tip …